Be what you want to beTaking things the way they come --Nothing is fine as finding paradise and "shitting" in the summer sun!La la la la summer sun.. shitting in the summer sun!Living life the easy way,got your way to let it run,nothing is as cool as drifting in the sun light,Sippin' on Bacardi Rum.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Best of 2008!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I GeT KnOckEd doWn!!
I get knocked down.
But I get up again.
You're never going to keep me down!

The plan was on since several days and finally the 'D'-day had arrived. Group of 6 colleagues along with our korean counterpart - all of us headed towards Jisan Forest Resort. For skiing !!!!!
Yesterday Bob(manager for our project in Korea) came to us and handed over the tickets. The plan was simple. Get up early. Catch resort bus from close by BusStation and reach resort by 930 AM in the morning. Ticket read the bus was scheduled to depart at 8.27AM. Eight Twenty Seven. It was neither 820, nor 830, but 827.
I should take a moment here and talk about time sense by Koreans. I kept an eye on my watch as to when the bus would arrive. Around 820 the bus reached our busStop. There were several guys waiting for the bus at our bus-stop, and we all boarded. Clock inside the bus was showing 826. As soon as the clock turned 827 - the bus started. Not a second early. Not a second late! This wasn't my first such encounter with timing-sense of korean's but definately memorable one.

Our team - Bob(Hyungu Lee, not in picture) Pavan, Maneesh, Ajay, Krishna, RamMohan & the Obvious.
We reached resort in time. With Bob's help, rented our skiing boards, clothes n all. Thermals - Pants and on top of it - ski suite. If you include inner's - its totally 4 layer protection! We had some food and headed straight to do the job for which we were here. 'Ski'.
There were 4 levels of moutain slopes. We took a tram and reached the starting point for 'Lemon' slope. Based on difficulty - slope's were named Lemon, Orange, and so on.
Ok. The easier steps were all but over. Now came the difficult part. Ski. :-)
Bob took time to explain us the basics. And he convinced us that it was not so difficult to learn. Easy said then done :-)
One hour down the line -- all of us were still lying on the ground, looking (staring) at other skiing people in wonder! We tried n tried n tried, but were unable to stand up. Small kids used to zoom in front of us. And we still trying to take our first baby step! Hands seemed stuck to ground. Was just unable to lift myself and stand up.
Why did I come here? was the question going on one side of my head.
One of my colleague (maneesh) some how managed to get up - and slide down for a distance. And then - 'Dhadoooom'. He fell with great impact on to the ground. He got up and tried again. The result was same. Probably I was afraid of falling and here came the inspiration.
'Dhakka de aur chal - zyaada nahi lagti' - maneesh told.
I finally decided to go for it. Gave a push and there I went...
Before one could count one, two and three -- I was lying on the ground again. But that run was good energy booster. My first Ski.
The entire slope was about 400 mts and I fell n number of times before I reached the bottom. Every time I used to start - slide for couple of mts and then 'Dhadoooom'. I didn't understand how to slow down or stop. & easiest way to stop that I could learn was - fall down. :-)
It was remember your old days again! Used to do the same when learning bi-cycle.
I get knocked down.
But I get up again.
You're never going to keep me down!

With that little bit of 'gained' confidence, We took the tram again and started again. Next few hours -- we repeated the same. The board was still controling us, we never were in control of board. And the stopping mechanism hadn't changed much till now. It was same. When ever speed increases, or if you see some-one in front -- Fall down!!
Amidst all this, Bob was trying to explain steps to slow down and stop. It was basic Physics. Press the board on its back edge, Increase friction and it will slow down. :-)
Finally we were able to take control on the ski board. This was after lot of repeated effort and it was awesome. We still kept on falling but at a lesser rate. We did try the second slope 'Orange' and what an experience it was!
Today - a day after skiing -- all the body parts, specially the backSeat and hands are dead paining. Had to do 'reverse sleep' exercise whole night! And sitting on a pillow in typical Sameer (DCH) style now !!
Monday, November 3, 2008
S h a t a a b d i ! !
Train was 20 minutes late. Station was crowded. Hubli-Bangalore Janashatabdi finally arrived at Davanagere station. Good that we had reservation.
Me and my sister were returning from hometown after Diwali celebration. We boarded train and it took about 10 minutes to reach to our seats. A middle aged women had occupied my seat. Her brother requested me to let her sit and I obliged. To realize only after an Hour 'OMG! What the hell made me do that???! Have to stand for 5 more Hours !!'.
Anyway - I moved close to the train door corridor - and stood there. There were couple of guys (all 20-28 age band) standing in that corridor.
Train tooks its pace n was in full swing!
Few minutes down the line, TC came. About 5.4", little dark, thick moustache, white hairs, and bigger diameter stomach. He verified our tickets. There was one guy standing right next to the door. When TC asked, he took out his wallet from back pocket - and amidst bunch of papers, he was pulling out the ticket - and phew! it flew! He stretched his other hand quickly to hold it - invain. Ticket was gone!
I have hardly seen any Indian railway employees who are harsh spoken or bad behaved. This TC was no exception.
"Was it ticket??" TC asked calmly.
"Yes" reply came in very mild voice. He looked shaky.
"From where did you board?"
"Hubli. Going to Bangalore."
TC took a deep breath, looking that guy with a smile he said
"I bet - it wasn't a ticket. It was just a piece of paper!"
"No Sir. It was ticket" - a quick reply came.
"Ok. Tell me - At what time did you buy the ticket in Hubli?"
"At 1PM"
"What was the cost of the ticket?"
"Was it confirmed??"
The mild smile on TCs face got bigger and bigger after every question.
"Next time when you do this trick, do some preparatoin. For this train, we get our final charts at 11AM in the morning. Tickets will not be issued after charts are prepared. Cost of the ticket Rs.147, from the beginning of this month. Not 141. And the people who rserved their tickets yesterday are still in waiting list, your ticket got confirmed! Nice try. 147 + 250, 400 Rupees Please"
We all were dumb stuck! Including our crook. Our culprit started another drama. He showed his wallet and told he has only 220 rupees. Not a penny more.
TC smiled again and said
"Again I am confident that you have more than 400 rupees in your pocket. Shall I check?"
"No Sir. I have only this much. Promise. Other then this, I have mobile and a napkin. Thats it"
"Shall I check?"
"No Sir. I have only this much."
"Let me check - What ever excess you have, I ll take it." TC came a step forward.
Thats it. Our crook pulled out 2 more Gandhi green notes from his inner secret shirt pocket and handed over 400 Rupees to TC.
TC wrote the reciept and holding the reciept book in his hand, asked that guy
"Sign here".
TC turned towards rest of us and told (with a big smile on his face)-
"Can any of you tell me why I didnt give him my book for signature, and instead i held it myself?"
None replied.
"Try. Any guess?" - TC asked again.
Again none replied.
TC told "last time when I had caught such a guy, he threw my reciept book outside!!" and he burst out in heavy loud laugh! With his tummy vibrating in chorus!
So did we!
Your opinion matters. Would love to hear from you. Please do add comments!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
H y d e r a a b a a d
Friday, July 25, 2008
"Bucket List"
0045 Hrs
At my Home -
A call from my frnd disturbd my pretty good deep-sleep. And by default, like any of hyper-active software engineer -- one of the bug - a software bug started creeping in my head. Several times, 've found fixes for several bugs like this -- in wee hours, whilst bath or in toilet or while in half sleep !!
Suddenly wanderin mind came to halt. My thoughts changed. Startd thinkin about day-2-day acitivities. Wht a terrible mechanical life we have. Monday mornin to Friday Evenin --- its jst campuutarrr! It was now i startd thinkin of "I W i s h - to - d o - t h i n g s - b e f o r e - p a c k U p". I listd few in those wee hours.. few addin now.
1. A snap with my "King - His Highness" friend

And I want it to be as natural as possible. Like - me keeping hands on his back or face close to his face! Preferably with a clean Jungle backGround ...
2. Apun ka photo in front page of a popular news paper.
Although this sounds a bit copied from Dusvidaniya. No, Its not. Its one of my long term dream. I believe many people are in that bandWagon.
3. Solo Sky Diving!