0045 Hrs
At my Home -
A call from my frnd disturbd my pretty good deep-sleep. And by default, like any of hyper-active software engineer -- one of the bug - a software bug started creeping in my head. Several times, 've found fixes for several bugs like this -- in wee hours, whilst bath or in toilet or while in half sleep !!
Suddenly wanderin mind came to halt. My thoughts changed. Startd thinkin about day-2-day acitivities. Wht a terrible mechanical life we have. Monday mornin to Friday Evenin --- its jst campuutarrr! It was now i startd thinkin of "I W i s h - to - d o - t h i n g s - b e f o r e - p a c k U p". I listd few in those wee hours.. few addin now.
1. A snap with my "King - His Highness" friend

And I want it to be as natural as possible. Like - me keeping hands on his back or face close to his face! Preferably with a clean Jungle backGround ...
2. Apun ka photo in front page of a popular news paper.
Although this sounds a bit copied from Dusvidaniya. No, Its not. Its one of my long term dream. I believe many people are in that bandWagon.
3. Solo Sky Diving!

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